0008-0000-22-078-H01-P Release 08/18/2022 Expires 08/18/2025.
Beneficence and nonmaleficence are two important ethical principles in the healthcare professions. These principles require healthcare professionals to weigh the benefits and risks of treatment, and specifically for this course, the benefits, and risks
of medical cannabis use. As patients play a more active role in their treatment decisions and may choose to use medical cannabis with or without a prescription or recommendation, healthcare professionals need to be adequately prepared to discuss the
benefits and risks of medical cannabis use, potential drug interactions, and the safety of cannabis products.
The risks of medical cannabis use may be higher in certain populations, including adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, and advanced age patients. Furthermore, patients taking other concurrent medications while using medical cannabis may be at risk
for significant drug interactions. Therefore, it is critical to gain an understanding about why these atrisk or vulnerable populations may need special attention. Additionally, patient safety concerns exist regarding the quality and purity of products
because there is widespread availability, and they have disparate regulations. This module will highlight how healthcare professionals can help patients make informed decisions about cannabis use as it relates to benefits, risks, and product