Laboratory Experience
If you’re an undergrad who is interested in environmental health, come join us for unique mentorship and research experiences.
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Research Program in Environmental Health Sciences is a paid year-long research and mentorship opportunity specifically for sophomore or junior level undergraduate science majors, with students from first generation, low-income, and under-represented in health science careers encouraged to apply. This program is funded by NIEHS Grant R25 ES025476.
Our program includes:
Laboratory Experience
Education/Field Trips
The following selection criteria will be used to select the undergraduate students who will become trainees for our program:
(a) We welcome applications from any undergraduate students and encourage individuals who are underrepresented in health-related sciences to apply including undergraduate science majors from underrepresented minority populations and/or those students with disabilities or disadvantaged backgrounds.
(b) Individuals who are currently undergraduate science majors in their Junior or Senior year at the DTC or other local undergraduate institutions. There will be no preference on prior research experience, rather, we will base selection upon their interest in environmental health sciences.
(c) Individuals who have an exceptional academic record and potential as evidenced by:
(i) High School and College GPA ≥ 3.0,
(ii) SAT ≥ 30,
(iii) Stellar non-academic achievements records, and
(iv) Additional criteria - We recognize that some attractive candidates might not exactly meet all of the aforementioned substantial credentials. Therefore, each applicant will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the selection committee with a consultation. For example, some underrepresented and diverse individuals may be the first in their family to pursue this type of higher education and where appropriate that information will be considered as part of the application. Regardless, of this latter consideration, we will only enroll individuals who will be competitive for acceptance into a high-quality EHS graduate programs or professional schools and have a clear interest and aptitude for conducting research in the future.
(d) Individuals who have a desire to pursue a career in environmental health sciences research as evidenced by their application, the assessment of their teachers and advisors and/or any prior research experience.
(e) Individuals who are United States Citizens, non-citizen nationals of the United States or individuals who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e. in possession of a currently valid Alien Registration Card I-55 or some other legal verification of such status).
Email Address:david.wagner@cuanschutz.edu
Primary Phone:303-724-4787
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
12850 East Montview Boulevard
Office: V20-3103
Aurora, CO 80045
Email Address:david.wagner@cuanschutz.edu
Primary Phone:303-724-4787
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
12850 East Montview Boulevard
Office: V20-3103
Aurora, CO 80045
Email: john.adgate@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-4692
Associate Professor
Email: shaodong.dai@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-6562
Associate Professor
Email: kristofer.fritz@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-7932
Associate Professor
Email: katherine.dickinson@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 720-505-3958
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Email: vanessa.phelan@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-3291
Professor, Mass Spectrometry Facility Director
Email: nichole.reisdorph@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-9234
Email: john.repine@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-4788
Associate Professor
Email: james.roede@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-1348
Associate Professor, Director
Email: laura.saba@cuanschutz.edu
Phone: 303-724-9697
Distinguished Professor, Director (CHWE)
Email: lee.newman@cuanschutz.edu
Email Address:david.wagner@cuanschutz.edu
Primary Phone:303-724-4787
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
12850 East Montview Boulevard
Office: V20-3103
Aurora, CO 80045