Primary Phone:303-724-3626
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
12850 East Montview Boulevard
Aurora, CO 80045
Lauren is a research instructor in the Center for Innovative Design & Analysis at the Colorado School of Public Health. She has over 11 years of experience as a biostatistician conducting research on statistical methods related to the development of precision medicine. She constructs experimental designs, manages data in a proficient manner, executes a variety of statistical analyses, and interprets the results in a biologically meaningful way for the advancement of scientific discovery. She focuses on applying statistical approaches to integrate a variety of high-throughput ‘omic and physiological data. She has extensive experience in constructing, validating, and comparing biological transcriptional networks and has worked in a variety of research models ranging from recombinant inbred animal models to large longitudinal human cohort studies. Statistically determining both the genetic and environmental underpinning of disease is the ultimate goal of her research.