
Innovative technology and thinking are nothing new to us. We've been offering online education for more than 20 years. We have faculty using gamification technology, escape rooms and story slams to enhance student learning. And, our virtual interviews are personalized and engaging.

Learning infectious disease through app-based games










Dr. Meghan Jeffres has created an educational game in a mobile application format that can be used to teach infectious disease material. Using this game, students can learn how to identify appropriate antimicrobials for a pathogen, differentiate between appropriate and optimal antimicrobial therapy, and differentiate the degree of damage to the microbiome between antimicrobials.

Solving tough health care challenges through an escape room



Solving an escape room requires collaboration and problem solving. So when it was time to learn about tackling one of healthcare’s most pressing problems, students joined together to solve an educational escape room. In a recent session designed by CU Pharmacy faculty members, pharmacy students teamed up with peers in other health professions on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus to discover clues to help them escape the opioid crisis. By the end of the collaborative challenge, students in each profession were equipped for their profession’s role in beating the crisis, with knowledge about opioid alternatives and non-pharmacologic health strategies.

Getting to know each other through story slams



From New York City to CU Pharmacy: Story slams have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to connect people through storytelling. In their first year at CU Pharmacy, students take the stage to share their stories with their classmates, and by the end of the event, students often feel they have formed deep connections with each other. In one recent story slam event, students discussed the reasons why they decided to pursue pharmacy as a career — from seeing how pharmacists cared for a loved one to managing their own health.

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