Course Information & Calendars

For NTPD, ITPD, and MS in Clinical Pharmacy Programs

Course Catalog

Students can visit the online course catalog for more detailed information about each course. The pharmacy curriculum is subject to change without notice. All courses are restricted to students enrolled in either the NTPD, ITPD, MS in Clinical Pharmacy programs or the IHM, CSM graduate certificate programs.

Course Textbooks

The books required for each didactic course are listed within each course’s syllabus, and more information is located included in the complete list of textbooks for the current semester. All required textbooks are available through the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Bookstore. Students are not required to purchase books through this vendor; some books may be available through professional organizations such as the American Society of Health System Pharmacists or through many online book retailers.

Course Materials

Students enrolled in programs administered by the DDP office will complete coursework online; therefore, students will need to have access to a computer, internet and a USB headset with a microphone, which will be used during teleconference sessions. USB headsets are available through many online and traditional electronics retailers. Students will also refer to the technology section for the technology requirement policy and the operating systems, software and internet access guidelines.

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