To provide an opportunity to enhance teaching skills through practical training and actual hands on teaching experience both in the university setting as well as the clinical practice setting. A focus will be placed on both classroom and clinical practice teaching/precepting. Participants of the program should feel comfortable with designing and implementing educational programs within the clinical practice environment, as well as gain adequate exposure to consider if a career in academia is desired. The Teaching Certificate is awarded to participants that successfully complete the program requirements.
The Colorado Pharmacy Residency Teaching Certificate Program is intended for pharmacists with an interest in classroom teaching, occasional lecturing and/or precepting of students. Participants do not have to be committed to a career path targeting full time academia.
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Primary Phone:303-724-2623
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
12850 East Montview Boulevard
Office: V20-1217
Aurora, CO 80045
Dr. Trujillo teaches in the Entry Level and the Distance Degree PharmD programs. His primary areas are related to acute cardiovascular disorders (e.g., acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias) as well as hemostasis and the treatment of thromboembolic disorders (e.g. prevention and treatment of VTE, optimal use of antithrombotic agents). He is a course director of Patient-Centered Communications 2 (PHRD 5965), Pharmacotherapy 4 (PHRD 6985), and the Advanced Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (PHRD 7385) courses. Dr. Trujillo also precepts 4th year APPE students (Inpatient anticoagulation/cardiology), PGY1 residents (academia, anticoagulation), and PGY2 residents (research project). Dr. Trujillo also is co-director of the Colorado Pharmacy Residency Teaching Certificate Program, for more information see below.
Dr. Trujillo serves as a clinical pharmacy specialist in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and anticoagulation at University of Colorado Hospital. In his current role, Dr. Trujillo is involved in the stewardship of antithrombotic medications across the UC Health System, which includes serving as co-chair of the anticoagulation subcommittee of the P&T committee, as well as coordinating and staffing the Inpatient-Anticoagulation Thrombosis Management Service.
Dr. Trujillo has served as a speaker on numerous occasions on a national and international level, and has published over 70 original research articles, review articles, and book chapters dealing with the area of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. His research interests primarily focus on the appropriate use of antithrombotic medications, both at the patient and health-system level.