Primary Phone:303-724-9548
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
12850 East Montview Boulevard
Office: V20-2126
Aurora, CO 80045
Dr. Claus is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the University of Colorado Health A.F. Williams Family Medicine. A.F. Williams is a primary clinical teaching site for pharmacy and medical residents and behavioral health professionals, creating a highly interprofessional learning environment. Clinical Pharmacy services include: implementing population health management initiatives, providing pharmacotherapy consultations, and collaborative drug therapy management (CDTM) for a variety of chronic conditions. Dr. Claus’ areas of interest include women’s health, osteoporosis, gout, and diabetes.
Scholarly Activities
Dr. Claus is interested in improving medication use and safety, evaluating novel pharmacy services, and women’s health research.
Teaching Activities
Dr. Claus teaches in the Entry Level and NTPD/ITPD programs, with a focus on women’s health, osteoporosis, and arthritic conditions. She is the program director for the University of Colorado PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Program and teaches the Family Medicine medical residents in their didactic Pharmacotherapy series. Dr. Claus precepts PharmD residents and students in the experiential and academic settings.