Drug Discovery and Development Shared Resource (D3SR)


The Center for Drug Discovery has established the D3SR, consisting of 4 core facilities working iteratively, including (1) high-throughput discovery sciences featuring state-of-the-art robotic automation and instrumentation; (2) drug design and medicinal chemistry; (3) pharmaceutics; and (4) in vivo pharmacology (DMPK and toxicology). 

Drug Discovery program

The D3SR mission is to provide essential infrastructure and expertise to both academic researchers and industry, facilitating drug discovery and development, optimizing and prioritizing lead drugs to build a robust pipeline of Investigational New Drugs (INDs) for clinical translation. Through collaboration and support, we strive to accelerate the journey from scientific discovery to therapeutic solutions.

Learn More

To learn more visit the D3SR core facility links below and navigate to the D3SR iLabs website to request for consultation or drug discovery and development services.

1. High-throughput Discovery Sciences
2. Medicinal Chemistry
3. Pharmaceutics
4. In Vivo Pharmacology

Drug Discovery timelne

The Drug Discovery and Development Shared Resource (D3SR)

Contact Us

Dan LaBarbera, PhD

Dan LaBarbera, PhD
Professor and Director, the CU Anschutz Center for Drug Discovery
Phone: 303-724-4116

Qiong Zhou, MS

Qiong Zhou, MS
D3SR Research Services Program Director
Phone: 303-724-9278

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